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Ophthalmic surgery or blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the eye shadows, giving the face a newer look.
This procedure can be performed as needed in the lower or upper lid.
What specifically corrects blepharoplasty:
- Released or subtle skin that often creates its sides in the upper part of the eye, affecting and limiting the visibility.
- Removes fat deposits that can be placed on the eye caps.
- Sacks below the eye.
- Lowered eaves.
- Excessive skin or wrinkles in the lower eye cap.
How does blepharoplasty breakdown?
Blepharoplasty has these steps:
1. Anesthesia
Anesthesia may be intravenous sedation or general anesthesia; this will be decided with the surgeon.
2. Incision
The lines of the incision in this procedure are performed on the natural lids of the eye so that the possible signs of the incisions are invisible. In the upper lid, the incision is carried out within the natural wrinkle, in such a way as to allow the surgeon to reposition or remove the fat deposits, pull the muscles and remove excess skin.
The incision for rectifying the lower eye cap is fixed below the lower eyebrow line. Through this incision, it is possible to remove excess skin, relocate or remove fat.
Trans conductive incision, carried out inside the lower eye cap, is an alternative technique to redistribute or remove excess fat, but this technique cannot remove the skin.
3. Closing the incisions
After closing the incisions can be suggested in some cases the use of laser or chemical peels to reduce discolorations in the lower eye cap.
4. Results
The result after the blepharoplasty will appear gradually, replacing the swelling or bruising with smooth skin, with more defined lids and, finally, a newer appearance. During recovery, swelling, bruising, irritation, eye dryness or small discomforts that are temporary can be experienced and controlled by creams, cold compresses or oral medications to assist the healing process and prevent possible infections.
The result of blepharoplasty will be seen in a few weeks. Although blepharoplasty permanently fixes some conditions, but cannot stop the time that runs, and the age that passes.