Our clinicians are exceptionally dedicated and highly skilled professionals. They are here to provide treatment, support, advice and practical methods to understand and treat all areas of ear, nose and throat conditions, and complementary care from the fields of dermatology, nutrition, dietetics, speech pathology and nursing.
The debate on aesthetic ear surgery on sutures, whether it should be permanent or absorbable, continues to be current.
The truth is that the ear’s ear has “memory”, meaning that if the aesthetic intervention is attempted to give the shape of a sting with absorbable sutures, the likelihood that the ear will try to go to its former form during the healing process are large. Even when a permanent suture is used, giving the shape of the ear canal must be such as to at least overcome the tendencies of the inner forces of the toe to be restored in its original form, ie in other words to overcome so-called “memories” of the quartz.
Permanent Sutures would provide a safer alternative in having a successful aesthetic outcome that lasts over time. So the ear would have a harder time to get back to its former form after having a permanent suture. But at the same time, the complications that result from the use of permanent sutures in comparison with the absorbable ones are greater.
These complications occur mainly in the near period after the operation, but are not excluded cases occurring and after some years after the solution. In rare cases, permanent sutures are infected, giving redness, inflammation or purulent formations in the area. At such times it is impossible to eradicate the infection unless the infected suture is removed. The infected suture is removed by local anesthesia, the patient is followed by antibiotics, and everything goes well.
Otoplasty with absorbable or permanent sutures?
The absorbable sutures have no risk of being infected but have less attractive force, so the risk that the ear can go to the previous position is greater.
In daily practice in our clinic we use both permanent and absorbent sutures. In cases where it is judged that the ear of the ear has no tendency to be restored to its originality, use absorbable sutures, which last about 6 months.
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