Our clinicians are exceptionally dedicated and highly skilled professionals. They are here to provide treatment, support, advice and practical methods to understand and treat all areas of ear, nose and throat conditions, and complementary care from the fields of dermatology, nutrition, dietetics, speech pathology and nursing.
Does your nose shape make you look younger or old ?!
Over the years, the tip of the nose drops, and makes the face look older than it may be. In cases when the nose has a dropped tip, or gunge gives the face a more mature age. It is often thought that the nose with age increases, but what really happens is that: the tip of the nose drops as a result of loss of support, this causes the upper lip to look longer, and the whole face with old.
But often a more mature acne as a result of the nose, it is not only experienced by middle-aged women. We often encounter new patients who complain that their dropped nose increases their age. Most of the time, this is due to the inadequacy of the choral structure and the support created to have a female nail tip.
The nostril of the nose makes the nose appear to be longer, making the balance and harmony in the portrait losing weight. Some patients experience the fact that the bigger the nose the more visible the wrinkles and wrinkles on the face become. Removing the nose can give the face a new look. In some cases, it is sufficient to reposition the lower nose, to create a newer and more feminine appearance, in some other cases it may be necessary to work a bit more with the use of chorale grafts, but the end result is the same: Rhinoplasty in such cases the case makes you newer.
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