Does your nose change over the years ?!
A successful rhinoplasty requires understanding the reaction of the bone structure or soft tissues to this intervention. But to be complete this must first be familiar with the changes that this structure faces over the years.
Your nose life cycle.
The nose begins its life as a short amorphous attachment with few distinct features. It retains its “feminine” form until puberty, the period in which the dramatic change of the nasal skeleton begins. About 16 years of age, the nose reaches the ultimate form (unique) with the end of the bone structure growth.
However, the endogenous nasal shape of an adult is not yet established. Although the bone structure will not increase adolescence afterwards, there are many environmental or individual factors that will affect the shape of the nose, giving subtle or even dramatic changes to the final contours in the nose. In other words, your nose will “age” like anything else, some nose grow older and fewer.
Does your nose change over the years ?!
Importance of nasal cartilage
Typical nose changes with age are related to prolongation, decline, lateral narrowing, or skin thickening. Recent nose checks can determine the frequency of these age-related changes. The degree and speed of these changes depend on internal and external factors. Most internal factors are related to the strength and rigidity of the cartilaginous structure. Those born with a strong cartilaginous nose structure are less likely to affected by age-related changes compared to those who have been born with a fragile and weak structure
But independently of the strong nasal cartilaginous structure, nose contour deformities can also be caused by nasal allergies, diabetes, nasal trauma, accumulated sun damage, use of nicotine.
Nose calls … !!!!
Unfortunately, aging of the nose affects not only a less attractive appearance but also with breathing problems. The sensitivity of the nose to aging emphasizes the importance of storing the cartilaginous structure. This call was mostly directed to the surgeons, to be as conservative and protective as possible against bone structures and nodules during the rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty techniques that for a pleasant aesthetic effect of the moment, sacrifice more keratosis and nasal bone than they need, lead to the earliest aging of the nose.
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